To meet the duties of the severest working conditions pulleys may be supplied rubber lagged. Lagging prevents belt slippage (in particular when water is present) and increases the drive traction of the pulley. For Drive pulleys a friction lagging should always be used. Plain rubber lagging, Chevron, Herringbone and Diamond grooves are all available. The type of friction lagging should be selected by the customer according to its application.
We offer a complete line of elastomer compounds for original coverings or re-covering of pulleys used in industry Lagging will aid in the traction of the belt as well as increase the belt life. We offer multiple compounds, durometers and thicknesses. Grooving is available by request.
Lagged Pulleys offer:
· Abrasion Resistance
· Elastomer to steel adhesion
· Wide colour selection
· Homogeneity
· Chemical Compatibility
· Food grade requirements
The standard shore hardness of the lagging will be 60±5 Shore A. Other hardness’s are available on request. Different types of lagging based on its chemical ingredients such as oils-resistant, heat-resistant or antimagnetic can be offered:
– For normal dry application and where material deposits between belt and pulley can be avoided a soft plain lagging can be used.
– For drive pulleys diamond pattern will be standard.
– For application where material deposits cannot be totally avoided grooved lagging should be used. This can be diamond or herringbone shaped. Lagging with herringbone shape will be hot vulcanized.
– For extreme wet and slippery application ceramic lagging should be used.